Schema Therapy 
Schema Therapy aims to identify problematic schemas and replace them with more viable or adaptive methods in organising and understanding new information or situations we encounter in our personal and professional relationships.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) is a type of psychotherapy. It may help you to change unhelpful or unhealthy ways of thinking, feeling and behaving. CBT uses practical self-help strategies. These are designed to immediately improve your quality of life. CBT can be an effective way to treat depression and anxiety.
Interpersonal Therapy
Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on relieving symptoms by improving interpersonal functioning. A central idea in IPT is that psychological symptoms can be understood as a response to current difficulties in everyday relationships with other people.
Transformational Chairwork
Chairwork is a psychotherapeutic technique that takes two basic forms. To start, two chairs are placed several feet apart – each facing the other. In the “Empty Chair” version, the patient sits in one chair and tries to imagine an important person or figure in their life – past, present, or future. They then talk to this person as if he or she were actually there. For example, a patient who has been grieving over a loss can “speak” to the person who is no longer in their life and express their love, anger, and grief. 
In the “two-chair” version, the patient will shuttle back and forth between the two chairs. In this way, they can have a conversation with an imagined person or they can have a dialogue with different parts of themselves. For example, they can speak from the part of themselves that wants to look for a new job and, switching chairs, from the part that is afraid of change.

Johanna Dennis

20 Ferguson Rd

Springwood     NSW.    2777

0413 483 355 / Fax +61 2 9182 0076


Office Hours: 9am - 6.15pm

Monday (Online Only)

Tuesdays (Face to Face)

Wednesdays (Face to Face)

Thursdays (Face to Face)